There are thousands of part-time booksellers that have carved out an effective specific niche on their own in the online bookseller's world, specializing in areas like old comics, collectible books, even romance paperback books.

Some authors simply desire to publicize themselves or their other books. They may make one book complimentary. The book might constantly be complimentary, or it might be offered for totally free for a minimal time.
Garage and Backyard sales. These are often a great way to discover books for your stock. Just like any products you find at a garage or moving sale, never hesitate to make a deal. Like the old Yiddish saying - "If you do not ask, you don't get." The deal likely to get accepted is for a lot of 6-30 books at half the rate. Another method utilized by wise resellers is to stop back on the 2nd day and deal to transport away unsold books for totally free.
New York Times bestselling author and expert organizer Julie Morgenstern summed it up best with this quote: "Conserve space on your shelves for the books that talk to your soul." The following 4 steps will assist you to pare down and find which books speak to your soul and have made a spot on that special shelf.
Modern first edition collectors tend to restrict themselves to this century, to the writers who have specified the times we live in, such as Steinbeck, Hemingway, and Faulkner.
DON'T WRAP THEM IN PLASTIC. The majority of us don't seal our kids up in plastic bags, even if we occasionally wish to, nor do we need to do the same to our books. Books need to breathe. (Sealing a dust jacket in here a paper-backed mylar sleeve is okay.) A sealed plastic bag can keep in moisture and possible mold, and hasten discoloration. Additionally, a vulnerable book that is drawn in and out of a plastic bag can get harmed each time. Talk to your bookbinder about making a custom-made clamshell box for it if you have something extremely delicate.
These easy guidelines will assist you keep your books in excellent condition for several years to come. Considering that the value of books is so based on condition, taking care of them is a financially sensible choice in addition to the best way to get the most satisfaction from them.